This is going to be a poster for an "According to Jim" set. The good and bad thing about designing props is that you only get a couple hours to crank stuff out.
We had a nice little BBQ at the park today there were fine italian sausages and oatmeal cookies that were addictive like crack. The top image is a gouache thumbnail sketch I did at Garfield park(3"x1.5" its freakin' huge when you click on it). The bottom is the fountain at the Starbucks I stopped at on the way to the park ( they were playing that Tears for Fears song). Oh yeah and the drawing of Steve from the pub last night. I'm glad I'm posting consistently for the time being.
I was able to catch the last two hours of the painting workshop after work today. This is my first digital figure painting from life, I can't wait to do a full session.
Still trying to get the hang of this digital painting thing, these quick little paintings inspired from doodles are proving to be good practice. As for this one the composition is a little static but it was fun to work on.
This was designed as a wall paper panel for a dress shop set on the "Bill Engvall" show. The one they went with looked nothing like this and was much less fun.
Jeremy- line drawings and composition
Gabe-butterfly wing-like design elements and color